Members Area

SLTB Members can log in to this area to see member-specific regions of the website. To obtain a member's password, please contact the SLTB committee.

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SLTB 2021

Registered members can click through to view SLTB2021 content here using the members password. This password will be sent to registered members and given at SLTB2021. Posters are being updated daily so please keep checking this area as the meeting progresses.


SLTB 2020

Registered members can Click through to view SLTB2020 content. Password will be given at SLTB 2020


Meeting abstracts

This area contains an archive of meeting abstracts for SLTB meetings from current and previous years.


Protocol database

Collected here is a dynamic and evolving collection of cryobiology and cryopreservation protocols. These represent published protocols used by SLTB members to achieve positive experimental outcomes. Please submit new entries for the benefit of SLTB members!



All available SLTB newsletters and the constitution of the SLTB are available for download here.


JOB vacancies

All available SLTB related job vacancies can be viewed here. Please [contact] SLTB to advertise vacancies in your company/institution.

**Latest vacancy added 22/08/2018**


SLTB AGM Minutes Archive

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting will be stored here when approved by the committee.