THE sltb wishes to offer its support to our ukrainian colleagues at this difficult time.
We invite colleagues in the International Cryobiology field to post messages of support and donate what they can to help with the efforts of our colleagues in Kharkiv, Kyev and across the Ukraine.
If you are the lead of a laboratory which would be able to host displaced Ukrainian researchers during this time, please contact us so we can pass your details on and help make arrangements.
Equally, if you can host refugees fleeing the area by housing them then please let us know and we will try to help put you in touch with organisations that can arrange this.
please contact us on
Message from the SLTB chair:
Dear Members of the Scientific Community,
We know we are living through dark times when a much larger, mightier country attacks its sovereign, democratic neighbour in an unjust and illegal war, motivated by geopolitical and imperialist ambitions. This is exactly what Russia is inflicting upon Ukraine right now, while the Ukrainian nation battles for its very existence. What we have seen from the news and heard from our Ukrainian colleagues are stories of unprecedented terror. We cannot simply look away, we cannot stay silent. We are therefore launching an appeal to all our colleagues in the SLTB and the world scientific community to do what they can to help Ukraine and its citizens. We may be powerless to stop the war, but we can somehow aid and assist our fellow Ukrainians and the Ukrainian people in general. As Edmund Burke once said, "Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little."
Christiani Amorim
SLTB Chair
We have set up a news item on the SLTB website - it can be found here. Please use the comments section below the item to post links to local initiative to help in the Ukraine and we will add them to the links below.
If you would like to make a donation to help refugees from this crisis please see the links below. We strongly encourage our members to donate to local initiatives that are delivering aid and supplies to the refugees and borders of the Ukraine to help the effort. Donations can be financial or in the form of items.
Supplies needed include:
Clothing for adults, children and babies, including coats, hats, socks, gloves (thermal if possible); Shoes; Baby essentials – nappies, wet wipes, milk and food; Toiletries; Personal care and sanitary items; Adult incontinence pads (for those injured); Medical – first aid kits, bandages, dressings, sanitising wipes; Food – long life items, survival foods, energy bars; Blankets, sleeping mats, sleeping bags; Torches and batteries; Power/battery packs; Pet food.
To make a financial donation:
Many Ukrainian embassies, including the embassy in Warsaw, have been subjected to cyber attacks, making donating via Ukrainian Embassies difficult, however the Ukrainian Embassy in the UK has set up a dedicated site for global donations:
and in Lithuania -
Ukrainian Embassy in Belgium:
In Poland:
Polish Humanitarian Action:
Polish Centre for International Aid:
In the UK:
The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal:
The DEC is made up of 15 charities working to help refugees and people in crisis in the Ukraine, the members including Age International, Ukrainian Red Cross, CARE International. CAFOD, Save the Children and World Vision.
Help Ukraine Emergency Appeal:
Refugees at Home will help if you are able to host refugees at your home or accommodation in the UK:
The Ukraine Institute in London, UK:
The UN Refugee Agency working to help refugees: .
People in Need:
Host a Ukrainian Scientist:
Some people have been making donations directly to Ukraine residents accounts by booking AirBnB stays in Ukrainian cities so that a payment can be made directly to residents in cities that have been involved. A link to Ukrainian AirBnB is here (please ensure the host is in Ukraine before ‘donating’ this way):
In Belgium
From UCLouvain:
UCLouvain opens its Access2University program to refugees from Ukraine
From KULeuven:
In Brussels:
Donations to the Embassy of Ukraine in Belgium should be brought to the Brussels Expo (Hall 11, gate D1) from 8 AM till 8 PM every day.
Protection equipment (helmets, bulletproof vests, etc.), military and military-like clothing (men/women camouflage, tactical boots, warm jackets of dark-green colour, thermal clothing, etc.), special equipment (drones, night-vision goggles, walkie-talkies etc.).
Humanitarian & medical aid: Any medicines (painkillers, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, insuline etc.), wound care treatment (bandages, tourniquets, disinfectants, iso-Betadine etc. ), and other medical supplies (syringes, oxymeters, thermometers etc.)
First aid kits (NATO standard) are needed!
Any sort of humanitarian aid (food, bedding, mattresses, essential supplies).
Also donations requested to:
The association of Ukrainian Women in Belgium
Ukrainian scout organisation Plast
The Embassy of Ukraine in Belgium has created a special account to raise funds for the humanitarian needs of Ukraine:
Currency EURO(978), USD (840)
BENEFICIARY: Ambassade d'Ukraine auprès du Royaume de Belgique
Avenue Albert Lancaster 30-32, 1180 Uccle, Bruxelles, Belgique
IBAN BE03 3632 2038 8484
Bank ING Belgium SA/NV
Avenue de Fre 82, 1180 Uccle,
Bruxelles, Belgique
Details for the transfer of funds to help our Armed Forces:
Bank account of the National Bank of Ukraine
Account: 5040040066
IBAN DE05504000005040040066
Wilhelm-Epsteinn-Strabe 14, 60431 Frankfurt Am Main,Germany
Bank account: UA843000010000000047330992708
Welcoming and helping Ukrainian migrants in cities from Brussels Region:
Woluwe-St-Pierre (in French)
Woluwe-St-Lambert (in French)
Telegram chat bot: @FriendsUABelgiumBot