8th Course on Cryopreservation and Transplantation of Human Ovarian Tissue - Brussels, 28-29/06/2018

Details and booking are now available for the Universite Catholique de Louvain's 8th Course on Cryopreservation and Transplantation of Human Ovarian Tissue.


Prof. Marie-Madeleine Dolmans and Prof. Christiani A. Amorim will present their annual course on the cryopreservation and transplantation of human ovarian tissue. The course will take place on June, 28-29 at the Gynecology Research Unit of the Catholic University of Louvain (program).


Registration: 1200 € (silabus, coffee breaks, lunches and cocktail)

Course registration deadline: June 10, 2018
Registration form

Contact: Christiani Amorim


This course aims to provide a high-level overview on cryopreservation and transplantation of human ovarian tissue through sharing experience on how to start and organize an ovarian tissue cryobank, prepare, freeze and thaw biopsies and perform ovarian tissue transplantation. To ensure the proper training of all participants, hands-on practice on cryopreservation is offered and the possibility to be present at an ovarian tissue transplantation in the operating theater.

For more information, download the course information sheet here or contact: christiani.amorim@uclouvain.be


Course Learning objectives

- To know the fertility preservation options for female cancer patients

- To recognize the importance of cryopreservation and transplantation of ovarian tissue (CTOT) for prepubertal patients and provide the correct advice for oncologists and patient’s parents

- To realize that CTOT strategy can be also applied to patients with benign diseases and for social reasons (postponement of childbearing or menopause)

- To learn the crucial steps to set up a CTOT program

- To learn how to cryopreserve and transplant ovarian tissue

- To evaluate cryopreservation procedure using different techniques